15 Tiny Female Yorkie with Baby Doll Face   Elizabeth 2021/05/07 1467
14 Pomeranian   Tammi 2020/03/20 1371
13 Tiny female   Teresa 2018/08/12 1527
12 Male yorkshire terrier   Jessica 2018/05/16 16
11 looking for a maltese or shih szu   maxwell 2018/02/13 13
10 Tiny male   Toni Ledbetter 2017/12/03 15
9 Micro female yorkie   Lise Levesque 2017/11/01 1507
8 looking to buy ASAP!!!   merav 2017/06/07 1602
7 Looking for exact same.female tiny yorkies you had "black pearl"   Julia 2017/04/12 16
6 Mini Pom   Court 2015/11/25 1212
5 Mrs.   Janet Tolbert 2015/08/28 21
4 miss   leah cher 2015/03/13 1664
3 Kathy   Louthan 2015/01/26 1622
2 Yorkie & Maltese broker   Judy 2014/12/25 1686
1   looking for tiny yorkies   Yorkielady 2014/12/25 1807


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