Kathy 2015-01-26
I am interested in one of your tiny Shih Tzu puppies. I love the look of Celine and Irene (past puppies you have sold) I really want one that has a beautiful face, a lovely coat, and pretty markings. I do like the multicolor ones ~ (Red, white and black). Also, short, compact, and no more than 3-4 pounds full grown. Most importantly, SHE needs to be calm and not an excessive barker. This kind of dog is helpful to me as I have PTSD from a work accident. I love that they are lap pups and can go with me anywhere. You have beautiful dogs... I hope you can help me. I don't know how much I'm looking at here, but ~$3000.00 plus getting her is a good ballpark for me. (Plus or minus:) Thanks kindly~ Kathy Louthan I am a nurse and will give HER a very pampered life! I have no children so my pup is my babie. Just want you to know if you can help me I will spoil Her:)!
  looking for tiny yorkies

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